-Salvador Dali- 

 Taking a look at the facinating work of Mr. Salvador Dali. One can only speculate where he obtained some of the motives and inspirations for his art. 

 Even more so, To this day many of us that study art find extreme excitement when being presented with the opportuinity to study the art of Salvador Dali. 

 He was a Surrealist. A man that created paintings from his mind, his heart, and his emotions. There were very little who could deface his profound talents, and yet he was still able to draw inspiration from others.
The below photo is a representation of Salvador Dali’s ” Soft – Self Portrait”. 

 The photo (1941) includes fried bacon; a meat Dali was known to enjoy from morning to morning. It also includes the skin of Dali, being held up by multiple crutches. 

 As researchers and analysts, we know this was meant to depict Dali, not only from the title ” Self Portrait”, but the distinctive facial characteristcs that anyone can distinguish having studied the artist; such as his curling mustache.  

  There are also ants surrounding the mouth of Dali, and he touched on this subject shortly in the autobiography of his life. 

 The ants simply represent his feeling of being extremely generous. Supplying art for such a long period of time and inspiring others that he feels as though he is food; “feeding” those who lack initiative and promise. 

 More so, the crutches stem from a childhood experience he had. Finding a pair in the attic of his home during the adolecent years of his life, he found interest in them. Something that not only helps you live, but also helps you die. Something to lean on, but also something to embrace. 

 There are countless things we can learn from this Mastermind of an Artist. 
Salvador Dali passed on the 23rd of Janurary, 1989. 

(aged 84) 

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